Frequently Asked Questions

Our return policy is flexible. You can return a product within 30 days of purchase, provided it is in its original condition and you have proof of purchase.

Yes, we offer a guarantee on all our products. The duration of the warranty depends on the type of product and is described in the company's warranty policy.

You can contact us by phone on the number provided on our website or by email at the address provided in the contact.

Delivery time depends on your location and product availability. As a general rule, we try to deliver orders within 3-5 business days.

Free shipping is offered for orders over the specified terms. Please check our website for more information.

We accept payments by credit card, bank transfer, and other electronic payment methods listed on our website.

You can subscribe to our newsletter or follow our social networks for the latest news and offers.

The specifications of each product are described in detail on our website. There you will find information about dimensions, features and other details.

Yes, we provide installation and after-sales support services. You can contact us for more details.